Albannach Acres Equestrian Boarding Facility

Equine First Aid Clinic


Albannach Acres is proud to host Hoof n Woof Equine & K9 First Aid this fall for an Equine first aid course.

About Hoof and Woof

Hoof n Woof Equine & K9 First Aid offers a range of services to help you gain the skills and confidence you need to react to emergency situations. Enroll today in one of our many comprehensive courses. For the life and love of the horse & dog! With over 9 Equine First Aid certificate courses, taught by our Certified Equine Health Canada Instructor, you won’t be left without the perfect course for you and your barn! Great for owners, staff, boarders, students, competitors & everyone in between! Inquire about one of our 6 Canine First Aid certificate courses through our Canine Health Canada certified instructor. Pet sitters, groomers, trainers, K9 Handlers, pet parents, we have a course for everyone! Our programs are designed by veterinarians and maintained by a board of directors. Our instructors go through training and must maintain a standard of qualifications to remain certified!

Equine First Aid Courses

We offer a variety of courses to meet the ability and skill of every level of equestrian, from the youngest equestrian to the most experienced equestrian ! For more detailed information please visit our services page!

Canine First Aid Courses

Our canine first aid courses offer a selection to meet the needs of every K9 lover! From our newest pet enthusiasts to the most experienced K9 handlers! Ask about our K9 Working Dog Emergency First Aid Response, Canine First Aid Course, Fundamentals, I Can Help or Online Theory Course! Visit our services page to find out more!

